This was an expression that was drilled into our heads from my Mother and Grandmother Theda Faye. It is an expression that I can’t imagine that I would ever forget. It has served me well over the years. I am grateful for the lesson that I was taught, to value money and preserve.
In this category on my site, I want to cover the question that we all may ask. How may I use these leftovers? I find it easier sometimes to re-purpose items than to try eating or serving again to “the man”.
For reasons beyond our individual households, conserving is of value. Food and energy costs consistently rise, adding value to maximizing your use. Due to the impact to the environment, it is also important that we limit the waste and conserve. With the ever increasing population on our planet, we need to utilize our resources well. We should try to be good stewards of our planet.
Being conscientious benefits us in numerous ways. Savings allows for travel, good vino, and that pair of really sexy shoes that you can’t live without. The pair that is so expensive, even you don’t want to say the number out loud. Let alone confessing to your spouse.
Here it is, waste not want not. If you have common leftovers and your at a loss, post a comment or send me an email to
I will reply as soon as possible. Necessity is the mother of invention and it has helped me create. I look forward to hearing from you.