Love the weather this time of the year on the Gulf Coast. We are blessed with a beautiful day. It’s Happy Sunday Au Revoir Covid. If the universe will work with my intentions covid should disappear soon. If all of us work together, maybe it will leave sooner.
Continue reading “Happy Sunday Au Revoir Covid”Category: Cocktails
Au Revoir Covid, Hello Summer Watermelon
Au Revoir Covid, Hello Summer Watermelon infused vodka. This adult beverage is a delicious cocktail that you need in your life. What is Hello Summer Watermelon infused vodka? It is a simple batch recipe and will yield a lovely Summer cocktail after you allow it to soak for 30 days.
Continue reading “Au Revoir Covid, Hello Summer Watermelon”Springing into Mobile with Comic Cowboys

Springing into Mobile with Comic Cowboys will make a girl pause, gasp, smile and wonder. Cartoons elicit a myriad of responses depending on the reader. Comic Cowboys have been launching comic spins pulled from news, local and national politics. Subjects include current events that we wish were fiction and darker corners left untidy. Continue reading “Springing into Mobile with Comic Cowboys”
High Tech Blues

If you have high-tech blues then you may need to try my new cocktail, Kumquat Vodka Martini. High tech blues led to the creation of this cocktail. Necessity being the mother-of-invention and all else. Continue reading “High Tech Blues”
Good Intentions and Vodka Infused Kumquats
The title should fill you in on my story line for today. Along with the majority of the world, I am starting the new year with good intentions. If the new year is similar to last year, I will need to prepare. Continue reading “Good Intentions and Vodka Infused Kumquats”
Fall Festive Jack-O-Tini with Pumpkin Spiced Rum

I have been fortunate to have some of my close friends visit, from far away. I have a house full (did I say full) of very genuine, smart, talented, funny and loving friends. This is my “away” team from Cali, Texas and Florida. My “home team” is fabulous as well. A great network of friends whether they’re the “away team or home team” is a necessity for continued sanity. And Fall Festive Jack-O-Tini with Pumpkin Spiced Rum will add to the party.
Continue reading “Fall Festive Jack-O-Tini with Pumpkin Spiced Rum”
Summer Rebellion Watermelon Martini’s
Tomorrow it is official, summer is over. The Fall equinox has arrived to mark the end of Summer. Oh no! Say it isn’t so. I am not ready. I want to paddle board. I want to hang out at the beach. Dip my toes in the water and lay on the beach with friends. Listening to the waves roll in, talking and laughing with friends. An icy beer in my hand.