Believe it or not things like this only happen to me. Or at least it seems that way. How many times have you heard someone say “Yes, Snake Bitten in Fairhope”? For that matter I only know of one person that has ever been snake bit. Continue reading “Yes, Snake Bitten in Fairhope”
Category: Peep Picayune
New Orleans Walking a Pit
In the heat of the afternoon after a long drive, I arrived at my daughter’s apartment. Finally here in New Orleans, walking a pit was first on my list. Then I would be ready for a martini and great dinner in my favorite food city. Ecstatic to have weekend to spend time with her, visions of po-boys, boudin balls and seasoned crawfish had been dancing in my head.
Frenchie’s Rude Awakening New feature for Peep Picayune
I grew up in the city and happy to call myself a city-girl. I never lived on a farm or had farm animals. I never ever in a million years would have imagined caring for chickens. I love to cook. Continue reading “Frenchie’s Rude Awakening New feature for Peep Picayune”
Honey, Get your gun
This week is one for the record books. My knight in shining armor came home from a business trip, very tired. Planes, trains , taxi and time zone change, add up to a lot of fun for a 6′ 6″ person. He was very happy to return home. Continue reading “Honey, Get your gun”