Eggnog and Persimmon Icy Cream

Eggnog and Persimmon Icy Cream

My first memory of tasting Eggnog was when I was a little girl. Family friends invited  me to travel to visit their Grandmother that lived in the country. Their Granny lived on a farm with cows, chickens and a big red barn. Whenever I taste eggnog it brings me back to this place.  Make Eggnog and Persimmon Icy Cream  and share.

Favorite Chickens Sterling and Little Red Hen
Sterling and Little Red Hen

Even now I remember being fascinated with the chickens running around the yard. At that point in my life, I am not even sure I had seen chickens other than on TV and on my plate. Before long,  we were given a basket and sent to collect the eggs. Surely, my friend was familiar with this process because I don’t remember being scared of the chickens.

Food creates memories that last

Remarkably we survived the collection process and delivered our eggs to the kitchen. Upon our arrival, her Grandmother offered us some of her homemade eggnog. Truly, I didn’t know what it was but everyone else seemed excited. Soon a glass of homemade eggnog appeared. Are you surprised that I fell in love with the thick and creamy concoction.

It was unlike anything that I had ever tasted. To this day, I have no idea which family friend I traveled with in  Louisiana.  Yet, I vividly remember the farm and chickens.  Freedom of running around the yard without a care in the world stays with you forever.

Turkey and young boy  in pastoral setting
Oh come on , let me pet you

Most of all, I remember that first sweet taste of creamy eggnog and the luxury of it. Today, I have my version of homemade eggnog and use my farm fresh eggs. My eggnog is a kicked up version with Bourbon.

Beautiful persimmons  on cutting board
Chopped Persimmons

Finally fall brings the persimmons and when they start to ripen, its time. Time to marry together eggnog and persimmons for a yummy treat. Eggnog and Persimmon Icy cream is a marriage made in heaven.  Enjoy my version of icy-cream. Not icy. Not ice cream. It is somewhere between.

Eggnog and Persimmon Icy Cream
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Delicious Eggnog and Persimmon Icy Cream created with freezer in lieu of using Ice cream machine. I have named it Icy Cream because of the tiny ice crystals that form with dessert. It is not exactly as smooth as standard ice cream, yet it makes a yummy dessert.
Servings Prep Time
8-10 People 30-40 Minutes
Cook Time
5 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. In saucepan, add sugar, flour, salt and stir. Turn heat on low and whisk in the milk until blended well. Stir and heat milk without burning. Turn off heat.
  2. In a bowl or measuring cup whisk eggs.
  3. Pour Milk mixture into blender and turn on low. Pour in eggs and stir on low. Add in egg nog and heavy cream.
  4. Chop persimmons into the bite size that you desire in your icy cream and add to blender. Add in vanilla extract and blend.
  5. Pour blended icy cream mixture into a tupperware container and cover. Place in freezer for overnight stay.
  6. Thaw on counter for 20 minutes. Check that a knife will slide through. If not, allow to sit another few minutes. Slide knife through mixture to cut into smaller pieces. Knife should slide thorough easily.
  7. Dump into Mixer and blend well for 10-15 minutes.
  8. Pour back into tupperware container and freeze overnight.
  9. Scoop and serve.
    Eggnog and Persimmon Icy Cream
  10. Lagniappe: If you are not a big fan of Eggnog, replace eggnog with heavy cream equal amount, and increase 1 more cup of persimmon
  11. Recipe: Adapted from Ice Cream Cookbook by Marble & Gar Hoffman Old-Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream. Their version uses a ice cream maker.









Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

7 thoughts on “Eggnog and Persimmon Icy Cream”

  1. this does sound yummy! A recipe for your egg nog would be very helpful as well….(although, I have a stash of it.) 🙂

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