Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Aaaahhhh rest is on the list. Sadly, it is the finishing touch to the weekend. For this reason, most of us limit the amount of activity that we may cram into our Sunday. In our daily lives we consistently try to shove “10 pounds of “it” into a 5 pound bag”. This usually makes a mess of something, or is it just me?
Even I, limit how much of “it” I will cram into my Sunday. Which is probably part of the reason that I so love this day of the week. Somehow saying “I am not available to take part” on a Sunday, is easier for us to manage than other days. We don’t want to miss out on the fun. Is it possible that our Monday through Saturday could use a bit of a break?
Surprisingly, as a social butterfly it is hard to miss out on the many options available to watch, participate or celebrate. Consequently, all of us, could probably use a little more down time. No doubt, defining down time is certainly different for each of us. What does your downtime list consist of and should I add it to mine?

Hence, downtime for me consists of several of my favorite things which change from time to time. Items consist of solitary and social things to share:
Mimi’s Downtime
Reading a delicious book
Porch time with loved ones
Chasing sunsets
Creating a dish to share

Paddle boarding any time
Lazy day on the beach
Quiet time with Grill-Man
Laughing with friends in a casual setting
Vegging in front of the TV for a movie
In conclusion, my suggestion for this Sunday is to rest. Next Sunday, will be a totally different story. Planning a large meal?
The following items will make a tasty addition to any gathering:
A Vegetable Medley of Fresh Flavor
Easiest Meal Ever with Roast, Potatoes and Carrots
A Savory Cake of Bread, Sausage and Cheese
Love the family and Oh my, That Pecan Pie
Chocolate with Strawberries and Cream
Shout out to Alexa for Blur’s Sunday Sunday! Enjoy y’all, it will be Monday soon.
Mimi was truly in rest mode on Sunday, when I cruised in to paint the chickens in their condo in the afternoon. She just can not resist cooking even on a Sunday. She had just made of big pot of chicken soup. Grill man focused on the Masters.
Well, After a ton of company, three weeks of house guests and two beautiful weddings, cooking up a pot of soup was easy. Loved the visit. The Peeps said to tell you to come back and paint any time.