Good Intentions and Vodka Infused Kumquats

The title should fill you in on my story line for today.  Along with the majority of the world, I am starting the new year with good intentions. If the new year is similar to last year, I will need to prepare. This is why I am stockpiling Vodka Infused with kumquat. I am assuming that somewhere down the line, a martini will be the call of the day.

If your 2016 was coming up roses, make the Vodka Infused with kumquat. It will be a great gift for a “not so fortunate friend”.

On my list of good intentions, I have a couple  of items that I want to focus on for this year. One item seems to keep showing up on my list year after year. (losing weight) Apparently, I didn’t give it the attention that it deserved last year. This year it is on my list in bold letters. Move you’re a**. Now that I am putting it in words and shouting it to the world, I really will need to move my a**.

Now is the time of year where I really think about where I’ve been, accomplishments, milestones and missteps. Along with that is the direction for the next twelve months and how I am going to get there gracefully.

Words of Wisdom from The Doctor, Dr Seuss

In August of this year,  I took a chance and hit the start button on my writing/cooking site. (Hello World)  This is a new adventure for me and I am happy that you chose to join me on my journey.

I am learning everyday about the wonderful world of technology and everything that I didn’t know I would need to know. Thank you for your patience.  I am so grateful for all the support from my family and friends.

I have also enjoyed hearing from new friends. I look forward to sharing my new cooking and dining adventures in 2017 with all of you.

A Gumbo in process

I will work to keep the food and writing fresh. If you would like to see something specific, please leave a comment. I will try to create a recipe and report back. If you have a question, please visit the Q and A page. As the seasons change I will try to  take advantage of items that are fresh and accessible. Fresh fruit and vegetables are healthiest and lower in price at peak season.

In the Spring, we are planning a garden at our home.  We typically have success with squash, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeño peppers, okra, muscadines, cucumbers and eggplants  We have several fruit trees on the property as well. If you want to have a garden or fruit trees, it is important that you remember:

Produce waits for no one

I will keep you posted on the  garden progress. We seem to do well with the growing part, it is the weed part that’s the real problem. It is hard work but very fruitful.  With our garden and local farms, I will give a variety of recipes on preserving foods.

Offering from past garden

Preserving recipes for 2017


  1. Jam and Jellies
  2. Marmalade
  3. Homemade Salsas
  4. Tomato Pear Relish
  5. Pickled jalapeño
  6. Spicy Carrots
  7. Chutney
  8. Spicy Bread and Butter Squash Pickles
  9. Jacked Up Chipotle Bar-B-Que Sauce
Muscadine Jelly and Muscadine Pepper Jelly

In addition in 2017, I want to also schedule travel plans for road trips to the following:

New Orleans
Mississippi Blue Trails
Florida Coast

I look forward to sharing my adventures with you. The trips will always include fabulous foods from the areas and local music. If you have a “must see” idea for that area or maybe an item to check out, please send me a comment.

Street Band in New Orleans

Cheers to our good intentions for 2017 and here’s to the Vodka Infused with Kumquats to share with our friends. Our 2017 will be the best one yet!  Many blessings to you and yours.

Shout out to Alexa for Dan Fogelberg’s  Old Lang Syne.

Good Intentions and Fruit Infused Vodka with Kumquats
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Vodka Infused with Kumquats
Servings Prep Time
8-10 People 30 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Sterlize quart Mason Jar, ring and lid.
  2. Wash kumquats well. Remove any stems and toss. With a cutting board, cut kumquats in half.
  3. Layer kumquats in jar. Pour in vodka of choice on top of kumquats and cover completely.
  4. Seal with ring and lid. Label and date Jar. Set aside for two months at room temperature.
  5. Lagniappe: In a cocktail shaker, add ice and pour in infused vodka. Shake, shake shake. Pour into martini glass and enjoy
















Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

4 thoughts on “Good Intentions and Vodka Infused Kumquats”

  1. You should be very proud of your many exciting accomplishments. It appears you’ve come a long way in 2016. I look forward to more in 2017.

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