Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake is one of my newest creations. With covid covering our world like the pandemic that it is, we have retreated to our kitchens. In mass numbers either from necessity or seeking a diversion from the global covid crisis we are baking.
Read moreIngredient: Cream Cheese
Foodie Appetizer Sweet yet Savory
Foodie Appetizer Sweet yet Savory recipe grabs my foodie palate. Of course, I love foods that include sweet and savory combination in the same dish. Surely I am not the only person on the planet who loves this combination. If you are not familiar with this combination, please be adventurous and take a new path with food. Try new flavor combinations, you may enjoy as much as I do. Continue reading “Foodie Appetizer Sweet yet Savory”
Appetizers for your Game Day

As an independent woman I must confess football and I have had our issues. They are not big issues mind you but they exist. I don’t understand the rules and game exactly but I get the overall gist. Continue reading “Appetizers for your Game Day”