Unprocessed Candied Jalapeno Coleslaw

Like most of us, I enjoy a creamy crunchy coleslaw. Although a main ingredient mayonnaise is not part of my new weight reduction plan. It is hard to think of picnics, BBQ, fried chicken or seafood without coleslaw. I wanted to create a fresh side dish recipe without mayonnaise. Vinegar , sugar and spice would have to replace the mayonnaise in my fresh side dish. Prepare my recipe for Unprocessed Candied Japapeno Coleslaw that even my Dad loved.

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Mimi’s Gluten Free Nutty Fudgy Indulgent Brownies With Coconut

With my continuing education lab that exists within my kitchen I often tweak my recipes. Sometimes this exercise is a flop and I decide that my original recipe is just fine the way it is. On days when the stars align with my soul, I manage to improve a recipe. Mimi’s Gluten Free Nutty Fudgy Indulgent Brownies with Coconut is just that recipe.

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Never Fail Spirited Italian Rossa Bundt Cake

Annually Grill Man and I host a wine tasting group in our home. Each couple arrives with a dish and a bottle of vino to share. After the social hour we gather to grade the wine offerings based on our individual palates. Oddly after our tasting a portion of Stella Rosa Black remained in the bottle . It took me a couple of days but I soon realized it would be perfect in a cake. Never Fail Spirited Italian Rossa Bundt Cake.

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Mimi’s Gluten Free Nutty Fudgy Indulgent Mint Chocolate Brownie?

As a young girl I always thought that food allergies would be the worse to manage.Today managing allergies is alot easier than decades ago. If your diet requires gluten free, check out the latest recipe from Dining With Mimi. Cook Mimi’s Gluten Free Nutty Fudgy Indulgent Mint Chocolate Brownie.

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Salubrious Turnip Greens and Roots

Salubrious or not, turnip greens, roots or rutabagas will rarely be on the list of favorite vegetables for children or adults. Never ever have I seen a child scream for more greens. Unless the green they’re screaming for is referring to money in lieu of turnips. Thankfully as our palate improves over time we learn to enjoy flavor filled earthy bitter tastes. Salubrious turnip greens and roots is exactly what your body needs although maybe not what your heart desires.

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