Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake

Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake is one of my newest creations. With covid covering our world like the pandemic that it is, we have retreated to our kitchens. In mass numbers either from necessity or seeking a diversion from the global covid crisis we are baking.

Apparently, we’re baking like there is no tomorrow. And someone is hoarding all the yeast! How many Netflix, Hulu or Amazon prime series can you really watch and stay sane? Cooking as always been a creative outlet for me. Focusing on creating lovely meals is a good way to reflect on something other than the crazy covid-ness.

A home made from scratch cake is a great way to show appreciation to someone you care about. Whatever your age it is important that you master at least one cake in your repertoire. Why do you need this recipe and what is a naked cake?

What is a naked cake?

Naked cakes have no or minimal icing which allow you to see the texture of the cake. Clearly I am a big fan of this type of cake. If you have ever read the ingredients on icing for a cake, you understand why I have created this recipe.

As a lover of almost all really good foods, I have to find new ways to reduce. Besides wanting to cook and bake, I want to eat cake. Life is not fun without dessert or happy endings. This recipe reduces the size of the cake layers and uses a filling in lieu of traditional icing.

Triple layer light cake with creamy strawberry filling. Recipe at
What’s on your cake plate?

Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake recipe has a huge calorie reduction when you dump the icing and bake thinner cake layers. Truly I am not saying that this is diet food but it does have less sugar, flour, butter and eggs.

Why do I need Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake recipe?

Summer berries scream to be added to a cake. The fresh bite of berry is just enough to add sweet without too much. In creating this cake, I wanted to reduce sugar, size of the layers and calories without sacrificing the cake. A triple layer cake looks pretty but I wanted the finished cake to be smaller.

Small bouquet with roses, lime green and white flowers beside the strawberries for cake

There are literally billions of cake recipes on the internet. If you combine that with cookbooks you could never try all of the recipes. So, why am I creating another one? Over time as I cook an item, I start to experiment in my lab called kitchen. As an exercise I review the good, bad and what would make it better.

Filling on Berry Me Naked Cake

Not to mention, I have Grill Man who cannot help himself when it comes to providing unlimited data on anything that I cook. It is almost like having a professional FCIR, (food critic in residence). Yes of course I appreciate his candor.

Yet, I don’t always want to hear it. Sometimes I just want to savor the moment and enjoy. Trail and error with additional discussions does help me to try and improve a recipe. Everything does not come out as I intend or perfect. In our kitchen, I am famous for burning bread. Success and failure is just part of the cooking and creating process.

Is Berry Me Naked Cake hard to make?

As in any skill your cooking experience should improve over time. The more you do it, the better you will become. If you can read and follow instructions, then you too may cook. If you have secured your own Grill Man or taco master, it is great to have extra hands in the kitchen.

When is the last time you made a homemade cake for your love? Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake is an easy cake for anyone. This recipe would certainly look great on any table. The blueberry and strawberry pattern on top would be fitting for any celebration.

Shout out to Alexa for Def Leppards, Pour Some Sugar On Me.

With Love from,
Mimi’s Kitchen

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Au revoir covid, Berry Me Naked Cake on vintage cakeplate
Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake
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A triple layer light naked cake filled with a cream cheese and fruit filling. Strawberry and blueberry positioned on the top of cake in a decorative pattern.
Servings Prep Time
16-20 Slices 30 Minutes
Cook Time
20-25 Minutes
Au Revoir Covid, Berry Me Naked Cake
Berries on top
Servings: Slices
Berry Me Naked Cake
  1. Preheat over to 350. Grease and flour (3) 8 x 8 square baking pans.
    Greased Baking Pans for Berry Me Naked Cake
  2. Use a measuring cup add 2/3 cup pecans into each baking pan and sprinkle evenly. Set aside
  3. In a mixer or large mixing bowl, blend butter and sugar well
    Vintage Shawnee Pottery for Berry Me Naked Cake
  4. Add in flour and slowly blend to the batter until mixed well.
  5. Add in eggs one at a time and blend. Scrape sides as needed.
  6. Add in cream cheese and almond flavoring to batter. Blend well.
  7. The batter will need to be added evenly to the baking pans. I typically will use a 1 cup measuring spoon to scoop one cup of batter and add to each pan. Then I repeat this process until all batter has been added. When the batter is a smaller amount I will only fill up the cup half way.
  8. Use a fork to gently spread out the batter evenly in the pan. Start from the center and work towards the edges to evenly divide this thick batter. Once all pans have been spread properly, bang baking pan on the counter to even out and release any air bubbles.
  9. Bake in oven for 20-25 minutes. Remove and allow to cook. Once cooled run a sharp knife along the edges to release cake on all three pans.
  10. Place cake plate on top of one baking pan, flip while holding cake plate and pan. Pecans will now be on the top of the cake. Add 1/3 of filling and spread onto each cake.
    Pecan topped cake with Mimis filling for triple layer cake
  11. Add the next layer of cake and 1/3 filling. Repeat with final layer of cake. Decorate with berries as desired
  1. In a small bowl, add St Germain or vanilla. Slice strawberries and chop into small pieces. Do not mash. Stir well.
    St Germain Berries for Berry Me Naked Cake
  2. Into the strawberries add the cream cheese and confectioner sugar and stir by hand. Divide the filling into 3 to be added to each cake layer.
Berry Decorating
  1. Strawberries look like small hearts with stems removed and sliced. Fiqure out what type of pattern you want to use on the cake. Since the cake is square start in the middle. With one berry showing the outer layer I added to the middle. Then I attached two hearts side by side. Then I alternated matching strawberry size working out from the center. I added blueberries as needed on the pattern. Be creative and add as you desire.
  2. Note: Prepare the cake ahead of time and store in refrigerator. Keep cool prior to serving.

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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