Breakfast Hands Free

Breakfast Hands Free? Is it possible? Well not totally, but a hands free breakfast may be closer than you think. The oven is a fabulous device once you learn how to harness the power, set timer and walk away. Walking away is my favorite part.

Chores to be ignored

Hands Free Breakfast Allows you to walk away
Hands Free Breakfast Allows you to walk away

It allows me to move on to other tasks. A task of your choosing, you now have choices.

    1. popping in a load of laundry
    1. folding a basket clothes
    1. knocking out a chore of the ever-growing list
  1. and so on

My favorite items in lieu of chores

For the a true Sunday kind-of-day, you should resort to the following:

    1. Cup of coffee on the porch
    1. Read a magazine article
  1. Grab your novel and chill
Fountain- Connect outdoors
Fountain- Connect outdoors

An easy breakfast recipe has been on my list to try for awhile. This is it, in the simplest of forms. The concept may be altered to include any number of spices, herbs or vegetables. I wanted a recipe that would allow for a crowd and minimal work in the kitchen.

Breakfast Hands Free recipe is designed around carving out “porch time”. Nothing is better than a cup of coffee on the porch with guests. If you have a porch, I don’t need to explain this to you. If your house is missing a porch, set up a table in your yard. It is not quite the same but it will do until you add a porch.

Any day on the porch is a good day.
Any day on the porch is a good day.

For the next month, we will host an assortment of family and friends in our home. I am looking forward to the time that we will spend together. We will laugh, eat, imbibe, suck heads (crawfish, people) play cards and tell tall tales.  A hands free breakfast will come in handy to maximize the “porch time”.

Alexa Shout out to Etta James for “Sunday Kind of Love”. “I want a Sunday kind of love!











Hands Free Breakfast
Breakfast Hands Free
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Hands Free Breakfast designed to allow you to pop in oven and move on. This may be easily adapted for increased quantity in numbers.
Servings Prep Time
4 People 5 Minutes
Cook Time
10-20 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Preheat oven to 350. In baking pan, add sausage and cook for 10 minutes. Set timer.
  2. Meanwhile, select small oven approved glass dishes ( I used old Pyrex) and wipe bottom and sides with butter. Add two eggs per dish. Add egg dishes in oven when timer dings for sausage.
  3. Depending on how you like your eggs will dictate the cook time. I like the yolk moist and not solid, 6-7 minutes should do it. I remove my egg from oven and cover with lid. Grill-Man likes his eggs cooked all the way through and then some. At the 7 minute point, I add a lid to his egg to steam for 2 minutes without turning to a crisp. Set timer.
  4. Remove sausage from oven and place on paper towel to capture excess oil. Using a large spoon slide around the edges to remove and plate eggs. Note: Add salt and pepper to taste.
    Farm Fresh Eggs prepared in oven
  5. Lagniappe: A baking tray of toast may be popped in oven while plating eggs and sausage for guests.

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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