Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya’

Cold February is a good month for hot soup. Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya’ or at least warms you so that you’re ready. Preparation is armor for any task or battle that may present.

As a mother it is good to be prepared because you never really know what’s next. From birth on Mom’s job is to make it all better and hold your hand when a hug won’t do the trick. Go for a walk. Watch a movie. Play a game. Share a bowl of Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya’ and learn to listen more.

Listening before rushing to judgment or giving advice is something that I am working on. Moms must learn versatility and adapt quickly otherwise you’re in for a long slow haul. Coupled with if you have more than one, the little buggers will take you down if you’re not paying attention. Pay attention!

Cutting board with cauliflower being cut into smaller pieces Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya'
Use sharp knife to reduce cauliflower into smaller pieces
Did you hear me? Where are you?

Remember your babes are little but they learn quickly. Oddly, at times I thought I was talking to myself and clearly parenting will head you in this direction. Thankfully, I have it on good authority that talking to yourself is ok. The problem begins when the voices start talking back to you. Wee angels will do that soon enough.

Cutting boardStock pot filled with water cauliflower, celery and onions Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya'

When your little ones don’t run at the first mention of their angelic name, you may wonder if they have a hearing issue. Why else would you need to call their name that many times? It’s not just me, right?

Then one day from out of nowhere your offspring will admonish you with your own advice.  What? You were listening? Surprisingly this is not one of my favorite things. Yet clearly your child will love it.

Vaguely I remember pulling this one on my Mom. Sorry Mom! Truly it’s the voodoo your parents warn you about. “One day your going to have a child just like you.” I think my Dad said this, a-lot.

Roux in process for Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya'
A blond roux will add lagniappe
Serve Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya’

Being a parent is certainly one of the hardest jobs ever and very rewarding too. Children will teach you many life lessons. Occasionally they will point out lessons as if your blind. Learning from each other is a gift that keeps giving. My heart is filled with love. Some days call for Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya’!

Vintage dishes filled with Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya'
A bowl served with love

Shout out to Alexa for  Teach Your Children by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young released in 1970 on Dejavu. Sadly, Alexa does not have Chris Stills yet. Or Alexa is having difficulty with my southern as she is prone to do.   Chris Stills is an amazing talent. Love his cd Calling The Underground released in 2015. Looking forward to  his new release Don’t Be Afraid.

Happy Cooking Y’all!  Check out the soup category to see my other soups. Here is one that you may have missed Weary Souls Chicken Soup Recipe .

Disclaimer: This soup like most soups will offer comfort on a cold rainy or particularly trying day. The comfort it offers heals the spirit.




Vintage dishes filled with Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya'
Cauliflower Comfort Soup- Heals What Ails Ya'
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Lovely Cauliflower Soup filled with nutrients and low in calories
Servings Prep Time
8-10 People 20 Minutes
Cook Time
90 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. With large sharp knife trim ends from cauliflower and toss. Place flat end on cutting board. Using knife cut 1/2" wide slices from right to left. Add cauliflower to stock pot as you cut.
  2. Add in chopped celery, onions and water to stock pot. On high heat allow water to come to a boil. Reduce down to medium heat and cook until tender.
  3. Remove from heat. Using a potato masher, mash vegetables down to a smaller size. Do this slowly so that you don't burn yourself. Set aside
  4. In a skillet or non stick pan on medium heat add butter and melt. Add in flour and combine stirring slowly and evenly. Do not stop stirring until you reach a thicker mixture. The color will to change to a beige color. Add half cup of the broth from the soup to skillet. Stir well and add another cup to skillet. Once this blends in well, add skillet contents to Cauliflower Stock Pot.
  5. Add in remaining ingredients except for nutmeg and cook for 30 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in nutmeg.
  6. Most soups taste better after they sit for 5-8 hours or even overnight. This certainly is the case with this soup. Like all things worth waiting for, it takes time for blending of flavors in soup too.
  7. Lagniappe: I serve this soup with 1/4 tsp cayenne in lieu of 1/8. It gives the soup a bit more heat.

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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