Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday’s Wine

Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday’s Wine is the start for a good meal.  In the rare event that you have leftover wine, save it. Cork it and add to pantry to use for cooking later or in this recipe. Using an electric pressure cooker will make quick work for a tender 6 pound pork roast. In today’s busy world, time saved is invaluable. Rarely do any of us have too much time. This recipe and cooker is a time saver.

Instant Pot Browned Roast for Drowning seasoned Roast in Yesterday's Wine www.diningwithmimi.com
The meat smells yummy while browning
Read manual and learn to use Old or New pressure cooker

Our good friend Focus gave us “the magic pot” AKA electric pressure cooker, slow cooker, steamer and rice cooker. I am still harboring a bit of hesitation when using the magic pot. I remember all too well my Mom displaying red beans on our ceiling from using her magic pot. The old-fashioned pressure valve was scary enough to watch, let alone listening to the wobbly noise spit and sputter.

This new cooking technology is great.  If you have one of these cookers, I would check the internet for a brand search to make sure you have a good brand.  While researching best pressure cooking tips, I discovered pressure cooker class action lawsuits and accidents. Elmer Fudd said “Be vewy vewy careful!”

Read the manual before you use.  I have used my device several times and I still read before using this device. In general, I am a big fan of all my body parts and want to avoid any accidents. Follow directions, be smart and don’t drink and pressure cook.

Antique platter with Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday's Wine www.diningwithmimi.com
Red wine celebrating a roast in the best way

Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday’s Wine will give a great quick meal to serve alongside any vegetables. If you have access to French Bread,  heat it, slather it with mayonnaise, shredded lettuce and top with roasted pork. You can thank me later. A table of southern vegetables will marry well together with this pork roast.

Porch table setting for Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday's Wine www.diningwithmimi.com
Lunch on the porch waiting for the joy to start
Veggie Options to serve with Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday’s Wine

Here are a few vegetable recipes from earlier posts.

A Vegetable Medley of Fresh Flavor 

Flavorful Italian Green Beans

Beach Ready? New Fresh Potato Salad Recipe

Truly, a slow cooker is another easy way to cook a Roast and walk away from the stove.  Let me know what you think about this recipe, Easiest Meal Ever with Roast, Potatoes and Carrots.  

Whichever cooking method  you choose will make a delicious and tender meal for your family. Happy Cooking Y’all.

Shout out to Alexa for Jason Isbell for “Alabama Pines”.

Antique platter with Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday's Wine www.diningwithmimi.com
Drowning Seasoned Pork Roast in Yesterday's Wine
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Pork roast seared, drowned in wine and cooked using Electric Pressure Cooker
Servings Prep Time
6-8 People 20 Minutes
Cook Time
90 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. In a plastic container, add garlic salt and coarse black pepper. Blend together. Evenly sprinkle to all sides of the roast.
  2. Follow directions of your Electric Pressure Cooker or press the Saute button for Instant Pot to heat. Add olive oil and heat for a few minutes.
  3. Add in roast and brown on one side. Use a large meat fork heat on remaining sides until brown.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients and stir well. Following directions of electric pressure cooker add lid, lock and secure per manual. Press the manual button and select time to 90 minutes.
  5. Follow directions for your electric pressure cooker or with Instant Pot select quick release and use per manual.
  6. Once it is safe open and use two meat forks to plate pork roast on platter. Remove bone as needed. Ladle meat juice on top of roast and serve.

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. www.diningwithmimi.com is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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