Easy Low Calorie Baked Salmon recipe is simple, under 200 calories per servings and tastes great. This salmon entree is easily prepared at the last-minute and ready to put on the table before you know it. Using wild caught fresh or flash frozen salmon makes this dish hard to beat.
Cooking seafood seemed mandatory today. Yesterday we had a jubilee on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay. I have lived here for over twenty plus years and never ever had the opportunity of witnessing a jubilee. For years, I have waited patiently for “the jubilee call” but to no avail.
Typically, every Saturday I head to beach to join Fairhope Paddle Group to paddle board in the bay. Little did I know that this Saturday would include a special surprise. Earlier before I arrived that morning, a jubilee started in our area. Waaaah? Still, no one called?
Before I arrived, one of our paddlers caught a flounder with her hands and then graciously gave it to a family with a bucket. Prior to entering the water, a fisherman went by us with a single flounder trailing behind him on a line. He was looking for fish, apparently they were getting away.
We started our paddle and headed out towards the Yacht Club. Lots of adults and children were trailing the shore line with nets, buckets and ice chests. Everyone had their head down scanning the water, looking for fish, shrimp, crabs and other marine life. Along the beaches it was a hubbub of activity and squeals of delight.
With Johnny Neptune leading the pack we paddled furiously trying to catch the last remnants of the jubilee. While out on the water I could only imagine the sights on shore. As we paddled towards the Yacht Club, a thousand birds were circling waiting on their prey, lined up in formations. We paddled out to see birds but they flew away and landed further away.

Paddling hard we finally landed on sand. On shore, tiny little catfishes had been spit from the bay and landed on shore. One of our paddlers, Owa started scooping up the little fish and placing them back in the water. Owa continued scooping and tossing. I think I heard him say “Swim, Nemo swim”. In the water, you could see tons of little schools of fish swimming very close to waters edge.
In awe of Mother Nature
At the same time, parents and their little ones were walking up and down the shoreline. I can only imagine the glee of scooping up fish. A shrimp swam by and I was happy just recognizing the little swimmer. In the water, I reached in to grab the shrimp and squealed. Too slow apparently, the shrimp darted away. Those little suckers are fast.
Uniquely, Mother Nature started our week with an eclipse and finished off with a jubilee. I enjoyed the camaraderie of our group chatting about the unexpected happenings of the day. Until our group rested up, we sat on our boards laughing and chatting about the days events.
In contrast we paddled back slower than when we started our journey that morning gazing at all of the sights on the water. Catfish, shrimp, sting ray, flounder, crabs and more were part of what we saw on the tail end of the jubilee.
Sadly, I went home without any seafood. Thankfully, I had salmon in the freezer. After a review of my pantry, I settled on Easy Low Calorie Baked Salmon, Sweet Baby Limas, okra from the garden, and Italian Green Beans. Please don’t let the name fool you, it is easy and low calorie but the salmon dish is succulent despite the ease.

Shout out to Alexa, for Octopus’s Garden” – The Beatles (1969)
- 4 4-5 oz Wild Caught Salmon Thawed
- 3 Tablespoon garlic Minced
- 1 Teaspoon Jalapeno with seeds Minced
- 1 Teaspoon Garlic Salt
- 48 Turns Black Peppercorns Freshly ground
- Preheat oven to 350. On sheet pan, place salmon skin down. With a knife, slice multiple long cuts into salmon on diagonal.
- Add minced jalapeno and garlic together. Stir well.
- Push mixture into crevices of fish evenly divided between all four pieces
- Sprinkle and divide garlic salt between all four fish. Turn 12 turns of pepper grind per each piece of Salmon. Bake in oven for 12 minutes. Don't over cook the fish.
- Remove from oven. Use a spatula to plate the fish. Insert the spatula between inside edges of the skin and meat of the fish. Slide spatula in and lift.
- Lagniappe: Cook an extra piece of salmon for you to take to lunch.