Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix Recipe for Jacked-Up Cornbread

Using Jiffy corn muffin mix recipe for Jacked-Up Cornbread it is the way to go for spicy and never dry cornbread. Down South dry cornbread is a sin and something to be avoided. However,  after slaving in a hot kitchen if your cornbread turns out dry don’t toss it.

Save it for making southern dressing. And by dressing I don’t mean salad dressing. If your unsure what I am talking about, please reach out to me.  You may use your cornbread crumbs and I am happy to share a fabulous recipe for Southern Dressing

Cornbread crumbs will freeze well, if you don’t want to make right away. By the time you  marry together cornbread crumbs with chicken, broth, onions, celery, poultry seasoning and other ingredients this southern sin will be a distant memory. If only they were all so easy.

How to remove one Southern Sin from your list

By now you have figured out life comes with its challenges. Making decent cornbread moist and filled with flavor should not be one of yours.  Jacked Up Cornbread has everything needed to offer a delicious cornbread.  In addition this recipe blends a bit of heat using mild jalapeno, jalapeño jack cheese and chipotle chile powder. Mixing the three items provides a blend that hits your taste buds in more than one happy way.

Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix Recipe for Jacked-Up Cornbread Golden scoop of hot cornbread ozzing with cheese www.diningwithmimi.com
Scoop up a bite of yummiest to pair with your chili or soup

With the cold weather kicked in to overdrive, using Jiffy corn muffin mix recipe for Jacked-Up Cornbread is an easy add to your meal. Tasty cornbread is a perfect accompaniment to any meal. Prepare recipe ahead of time and pop in oven as needed or cornbread will reheat well. Making a 9 x 13 dish will yield  cornbread for several meals for a small family.

Cornbread or bread is satisfying and makes any meal better. Remember this is a quick side dish for when you need to bring something for a barbecue or party. I would serve this with a multitude of meals. Cut cornbread into smaller pieces to increase serving portions.

Not always good for the waistline but if your going to eat it, make sure its worth the calories. Soup is comfort food for me and cornbread works well with a bowl of soup. Jacked Up Cornbread recipe sits proudly on any plate although it is similar to a spoonbread or pudding. The added ingredients make sure that your bread is moist, oozing with cheese, onions and flavor.

Alexa Shout out to another Louisiana favorite,  Cupid featuring  Big Pokey “Cornbread and Greens“.  “If you can’t cook cornbread and  you can’t cook greens, I’m sorry you ain’t the one for me.” Please watch the you tube video for this song. I had to laugh at the band rocking it through the grocery store with greens in hand. Watch entire video. Bit of wisdom from Cupid:

It ain’t  always about your stuff.

Sink filled of fresh washed Turnip Greens Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix Recipe for Jacked-Up Cornbread www.diningwithmimi.com
Fresh greens are great to eat and very healthy for you.



Golden cornbread that melts in your mouth packed with flavor www.diningwithmimi.com
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix Recipe for Jacked Up Cornbread
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Delicious cornbread moist with delicious ingredients jalapeno, onions and ozzing cheese. Bread is similar in texture to spoonbread or a pudding.
Servings Prep Time
10-12 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
40-45 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. In 9 x 13 pan, add olive oil. Brush around bottom and sides of pan.
  3. In small mixing bowl add all ingredients together and blend well. Pour into pan and spread evenly. Bake for 40-45 minutes.

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. www.diningwithmimi.com is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

2 thoughts on “Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix Recipe for Jacked-Up Cornbread”

    1. Thanks Kaye. It looks like the weather will afford us many opportunities to make Hot cornbread and homemade soup. Let me know if there is a recipe that you would like me to work on. Happy Cooking.

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