Southern Girls Instant Pot Intro- Venison Cutlets

My adventures for the new year include one southern girls Instant Pot Intro- Venison Cutlets. You may be wondering how a pot, instant or other wise could be classified as an adventure. If this question has entered your mind clearly your Momma’n’em didn’t use the Southern Girls quick meal trick with a giggly  pressure cooker.

Southern Girls Instant Pot Intro
New fancy schmancy cooking device

Of course, my Momma’n’em used a pressure cooker and I have a very healthy respect for this device. To the point of being in awe of anyone brave enough to use one. On more than one occasion during my childhood, I saw the effects of a pressure cooker that had “gone rogue”.

Rogue Pressure Cooker

Momma like to cook Creole Red Beans in her pressure cooker which had a giggly top otherwise known as pressure regulator. On more than one occasion Momma’s pressure cooker spewed Creole Red Beans on our ceiling. Clearly Momma had a hot-pot which failed to work correctly whether it was the pot or operator error.

Thankfully no one was ever injured from the rogue pressure cooker but it was probably only a matter of time. As a teenager viewing the red beans being cleaned off the ceiling and everywhere else was a sight. Momma’s rogue pressure cooker managed to leave a lasting impression on me. To the point that I have always been hesitant about using one.

Just the thought that I might wind up having to clean the ceiling pretty much does it for me. In  my house, it’s hard enough to keep the walls and floors clean, let alone washing the ceiling down. I have to admit the speed of a new electric pressure cooker minus the giggly top sounded positive. Yet, still not brave enough to buy.

Using Saute feature Southern Girls Instant Pot Intro Venison Cutlets
Using Saute feature of Instant Pot


Southern Girls Instant Pot Intro- Venison Cutlets

Until one day our friend Focus delivered a big, shiny new Instant Pot to us.  Great gift for a busy foodie even if she is a big ‘ole scaredy-cat.  Instant Pot whips up all sorts of yummy goodness. From venison cutlets to roasts, main dishes, stew, soup, rice, yogurt, dessert all cooked very fast. Quickly a roast is delivered to the point of submission and mouth-watering tender.

Speed alone is a reason to use. Warning: Read the manual before you start using your pressure cooker. Then read it again. Do not skip reading the manual because improper use may lead to worse things than red beans on the ceiling. Scaredy-cat reads the manual every time I use my magic machine.

Instant Pot Homemade Gravy with Venison Cutlets
Homemade Gravy with Venison Cutlets

Even then, I am a bit nervous as I follow all the steps.  Each new cooking phase adds a little more adventure to your evening meal. Instant Pot does not have a giggly top but it does click away while cooking. FYI probably not a good idea to have a glass of wine while using this device.

In my research I discovered class action lawsuits on certain brands of  pressure cookers and a new field called Pressure Cooker Injury Lawyers.  I imagine someone saying “Y’all watch this!” just before they did something really stupid.

Read the manual. Pay attention and save wine to drink with dinner for Southern Girls Instant Pot Intro- Venison Cutlets. A friend gave us venison and it turned out delicious in my brand new shiny but intimidating Instant Pot. If there is a deficit of venison in your freezer beef cutlets could be swapped out.  Alexa Shout out to Hank Williams Jr, A Country Boy Can Survive.

Dish of vension cutlets with gravy
Venison or Beef Cutlets cooked fast

Southern Girls Instant Pot Intro- Venison Cutlets
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Delicious tender and mouthwatering Venison Cutlets cooked quickly with Instant Pot.
Servings Prep Time
4 People 20 Minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minutes 35 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Review Operations Manual for your Pressure Cooker and follow accordingly.
  2. In 9 x 13 glass dish add flour, salt, black pepper,onion powder and Aleppo peppers. Stir well
  3. Instant Pot has a saute feature. Plug in cooker, press saute and allow to heat up. Meanwhile, dredge cutlets in the flour mixture and set on wax paper.
  4. When screen reads HOT, add in olive oil and heat for one minute. Add in cutlets and brown on one side. Depending on thickness of cutlets timing may vary. Flip cutlets over and brown the other side.
  5. To the Instant Pot add in water, onion and garlic and stir well. Secure and close lid per manufacturer's instructions and select Meat/Stew button. The default timing is 35 minutes.
  6. When the 35 minute cycle is finished, the pressure cooker will go to Auto Keep Warm. DO NOT OPEN.
  7. Allow pressure cooker to go to Natural Release and cool down until float valve drops down. Depending on contents the timing may vary. Refer to manufacturers manual (Page 8 in Instant Pot User Manual Model IP-DUO80, IP-DUO60, IP-DUO50)
  8. Refer to manual open lid per instructions and set lid aside. Allow the cooker to stay on Keep Warm.
  9. Pull 3/4 cup juice from Instant Pot and set aside.
  10. In iron skillet or nonstick skillet, on medium high heat add oil and heat for one minute. Add in flour and stir well. Continue stirring as flour and oil starts to brown. Do not stop stirring. Once the mixture changes color to a rusty brown, add in meat juice. Be careful of steam as you pour in juice to hot skillet. Stir in well and continue heating for a few minutes.
  11. Remove gravy from heat and add to the Instant Pot. Stir well. Taste garvy and adjust salt & pepper to your taste. Place lid onto cooker until your ready to eat.

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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