Southern Zipper Peas Recipe

Southern Zipper Pea Recipe is a great dish to store in your “little wooden recipe box”. You must have  one in your kitchen.  Everyone has a wooden recipe box , right? Or even an updated whizz-bang-techno-recipe iPad or computer device? Despite having access to technology, I am still in love with my antique wooden box. I confess, I have more than one.

While my “go-to” recipe box is jammed packed with my favorites it includes a star-studded list of recipes that my friends and family have shared with me. A treasure trove of delicious food that will make you and yours smile. For your recipe collection, add Southern Zipper Peas.

Mimi's Antique Wooden Recipe Box
Mimi’s Antique Wooden Recipe Box on vintage Linen

Zipper Peas  will compliment any protein. Serving it as a bowl for lunch with a plate of sliced tomatoes, avocado, onions and cornbread is also an option. Since I love flavor combinations, I add chow-chow or Tomato Pear Relish to my peas.

Although an antique wooden box is antiquated when you compare the advantages that a computer offers. What a box lacks in speed and efficiency it more than delivers in the form of memories and personal touch. I smile as I sift through the handwritten recipes from Grandmothers and Mothers. My family and friends are a group of fabulous cooks.

Because they generously share their recipes it benefits many. Share my zipper peas with someone soon. Cook this dish for dinner or  put in freezer to be used later and shared with your loved ones.

Also in my “newest wooden box”, I found a ton of Southern favorites. I discovered the box in my favorite city, New Orleans. You may read all about my adventure in the Garden District,  along with my recipe for “Southern Comfort and Oh That Chocolate Pie“. This pie is dangerously delicious if you love chocolate.

Without a doubt, your “little wooden recipe box” or whizz-bang-techno-recipe iPad or computer device  should have Southern Zipper Peas. Healthy,  easy to make, and inexpensive are a few reasons to try this dish. You may find zipper Peas for sale locally fresh or in your grocer’s freezer.

Southern Zipper Peas Recipe
Southern Zipper Peas Recipe


Alexa, Shout out to Black Eyed Peas for “I Gotta Feeling”. Tonight’s gonna be a good night!










Southern Zipper Peas
Southern Zipper Peas
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A great dish of fresh zipper peas married together with garlic and sausage.
Servings Prep Time
6 Servings 10-15 Minutes
Cook Time
40-45 Minutes
Servings: Servings
  1. In a pot on medium heat add fresh or frozen zipper peas and cover with water just above the peas. Once peas start to boil turn down to low.
    Southern Zipper Peas Recipe
  2. Add in balance of all ingredients and stir well. Cover with lid and cook until tender for about 35-40 minutes. Check occasionally to make sure that there is enough water to prevent peas from burning. If not, add a cup as needed.
    Southern Zipper Peas

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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