Weary Souls Chicken Soup Recipe

 Weary Souls Chicken Soup Recipe was exactly what I needed. My three-week stint of house guests rotating in and out had put us through the paces. The 20 house guests (yes, 20) came and went over the course of the three weeks. The answer to your question is no. I am NOT crazy, weary but not crazy.

Ideally, timing for 20 house guests would ordinarily be spread out over a long time. The timing of life and other events created changes in plans which drove the dates. Having said that, Grill-Man and I had a lovely time hosting all of our friends and family. Celebratory from beginning to end and loved it all.

Week 1 We are all here. Really, all of us!
Adorable Nephew Super-Baby
Adorable Nephew Super-Baby


My first week consisted of  parents, siblings, spouses and children. This was the first time that all of us were together for over a decade. Wow! Home and hearth filled from top to bottom, every bed had a head or two. It was lovely to have everyone together to meet Super-baby. My siblings and I agree that Super-baby will have anyone wrapped around his little fingers.

In addition to admiring Super-baby, the Arts & Crafts Fair was in full force and made a great diversion for an afternoon.  Where else may you shop for art, exercise and pursue a street of food truck items all in one place? I believe that the man cave had more than one  battle of pool. Sharing meals, wine and cocktails over family stories and billiard games was a hit with our group.

Art and Crafts with Mom and Siblings
Art and Crafts with Mom and Siblings
Week 2 Started taking vitamins daily due to weary soul

This theme wove throughout the fabric of my second week of guests. Cousins and Uncle hailed  from three parts of Louisiana.  My Uncle and Grill-Man managed a game of golf, of course. We shopped while the boys chased the little white ball around. I am sure that we had more fun!

Later the men-folk hung out in the man cave, played albums, battled with billiards and solved the problems of the world. Well, maybe just their world’s. Occasionally, we would see them when it was time to refill their water bottles or needed a snack.  OK, it wasn’t water. My brother was able to join us for lunch and card games. In addition to games, we played music and tried to see who best “who could stump Alexa”.  Quality time with my brother and Louisiana crew,sadly short but sweet visit.

Louisiana Style
Louisiana Style Map representing Crawfish, Music and Mardi Gras
Week 3 It’s time for Weary Souls Chicken Soup

Our third week consisted of friends from Houston. UK and Little Italy’s son married a Southern Mobile-Belle. Their visit breezed in before and after the wedding. It was high-time’s for all filled with Bridal Luncheons, Wedding, Reception and After Wedding Party at the Battle House Penthouse. It was a grand event filled with love and cocktails. Including their visit after the wedding-ness was complete, it was a relaxed visit catching up with our close friends.

In addition, we also hosted another couple  from Houston, Ringer and Shore-Girl. We have grown fond of these two while visiting UK and Little Italy. Ringer and Shore-Girl only stayed overnight but we  managed to pack it all in. We shared a lovely meal complete with wine on the porch near the fire pit. Aaaahhhhhhh!

New Design Fire Pit For sale, ships in 3 pieces
New Design Fire Pit For sale, ships in 3 pieces (Heavy Duty) Email for details

Ringer and Grill Man managed an early morning game of golf on Saturday before the wedding. After coffee and breakfast on the porch, I introduced Shore-Girl to shopping in our lovely city by the bay. Somehow after shopping, we managed to crunch in a visit with my favorite artist, Weezie Bancroft Brabner in her studio. A visit with Weezie in her studio is always entertaining. Book an appointment, you won’t regret it.

After lunch with the boys and our celebratory cocktail, we were in need of a nap before the wedding. No rest for the weary. Bath, cocktails and heels were the order of things. My Babe managed to join us for the wedding. She slid in just in time to attend all the festivities and share in the wedding of her childhood friend.

We all arrived in style for the joining of two families on a perfectly beautiful day. From coffee on the porch, to wedding, to reception, to dancing and celebrating with friends until the wee hours. Jammed packed with everything that we love.

Happy New Couple celebrating with loved ones at The Ezell House
Happy New Couple celebrating with loved ones at The Ezell House Photo Credit Reeds


On Sunday, Grill-Man hid away quietly, secretly napping. My girl and I laid around on our favorite couch and watched movies. At some point, she convinced me that a trip to Mr Gene’s Beans for ice cream was on our list. Really, it wasn’t on my list. My list consisted of me laying quietly on the couch. I was perfectly happy there.

Ironically, as I stood in line with my young adult child I smiled that we were here again as we had been many times before when she was little. We ordered ice cream and walked to the benches on the Bluff overlooking Mobile Bay and sat for a spell. On the way back from the bluff we reflected on the weekend and our highlights. We  squeezed in a stop and shop at our favorite book store, Page and Palette. It was a good day.

Grill-Man, Babe and I were weary but we would not have missed anything for the world. In addition, it had been a very busy three weeks but in the best way. My girl managed to visit twice from New Orleans during this time and share in the festivities along with us. I was a happy girl. I just needed Weary Souls Chicken Soup.

In summary, I was happy until I realized I had to return to work. The real world started again on Monday filled with work,  laundry and everything else that I had allowed to pile up. A hot bowl of chicken soup was what sounded good to me.

Y’all come back, now!

Alexa, Shout out to J Geils Band for Come Back.

Sadly Jay Geils died this week, he was a favorite of mine and will be missed by many.









Weary Souls Chicken Soup!
Weary Souls Chicken Soup Recipe
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A delicious soup created using rotisserie Chicken, sweet potatoes, onions, celery, bell pepper and spices.
Servings Prep Time
6 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
60 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Preheat oven to 350. On baking tray lined with foil, place two whole sweet potatoes. Cook for 50-60 minutes or until tender. Set aside
    Baked Sweet Potatoes for Weary Souls Chicken Soup
  2. Meanwhile, remove chicken from container. Place top and bottom on counter to use as containers. Debone chicken. Add bones, skin and scraps to one side, chicken to the other side. Continue until finished.
  3. Place bones, scraps and skin in a pot and cover with water. Start on high heat and start to cook stock. Once it boils turn down to medium heat and cook for 45 minutes. Add more water if level gets below contents. Strain stock using a large sieve to separate stock from contents. Add strained stock to pot.
  4. Meanwhile while stock is cooking down, melt butter and saute veggies until tender. Add in flour and stir well. Remove from heat. Peel sweet potato and chop. Add sweet potato to stock pot. Add all veggies to stock pot once it has been sauteed. Stir together well and add in spices.
  5. Cook for 20 minutes. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. Add in shredded chicken to soup and cook for another 10 minutes. Enjoy with another weary soul!
    Weary Souls Chicken Soup!
Recipe Notes

Lagniappe: Serve with hot crusty French Bread. A side salad would pair well with this chicken soup.

Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. www.diningwithmimi.com is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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