Grill man and I decided to sneak away. Too busy at work for a full on vacation so we compromised and chose a close spot. Off to unwind on Dauphin Island? What? Why? Dauphin Island would allow a working vacation since we were too busy to go too far away. Good place to sneak away to relax and avoid summertime crowds.
Mix up your life and work with a change of address
Relocating allows you to leave your chores and routine at home while you head off to parts unknown. Yet work is still around hanging about like a fog. With the necessity of work, family and play must be managed. Of course, this is before you add in the laundry, cleaning and never-ending errands to keep up your household. All of these things are weaved into our fabric of life.
Occasionally necessities are postponed or avoided but even the dust bunnies will take over if you let them. Learning to unwind is vital to your sanity. Our brain and bodies want a respite daily even if we don’t want to slow down long enough. If you can’t get away for a longer vacation, select something close to home. You too can unwind on Dauphin Island!
Dauphin Island is the perfect island getaway place for a family that enjoys water activities. Whether it’s boating, fishing, skiing, beaching, skateboarding, paddle boarding, surfing or sunset critiques the island offers it all. White sandy beaches with salty water that lures you in for a dip or fishing.

Inshore or offshore fishing is amazing on or near the Island. Gulf Coast waters hosts the best fishing in the world. With a large variety of species you can catch your limit before you know it. Research before you go and don’t forget to pack everything from sunscreen, hats and fishing license. Outdoor Alabama has lots of information to help you plan.
What to expect while visiting Dauphin Island?
Life on Dauphin Island is typical to what you would expect on most islands. Everything is island casual and ultra laid back every where. People are super friendly and happy to help or direct you as needed. Dauphin Island is a small community of locals with a steady stream of visitors.

Public Beach has plenty of parking and easy access to the water’s edge for your enjoyment. Availability is limited on the amount of selections offered on the island. Stores on Dauphin Island offer island-pricing at some locations.
Bring everything that you may need while on the island. If you forget an item just go buy it. It is not like you pay $3.87 for a dozen of eggs all the time. Yes, $3.87 plus tax for plain jane un-cage-free eggs. My chickens would be appalled.
Most importantly, remember while visiting you’re on Island-Time. Settle in and grab a cocktail whether it’s on a dock or beach side. The island offers many water spots to grab a great view of sunsets and slowly sip a cocktails. Although work managed to weave in and out like a loose thread stuck to your clothes that you never seem to get rid of, I relaxed.
Can you unwind on Dauphin Island? If quiet coastal living is your goal, Dauphin Island is your place. City Council and founding Fathers have managed to keep away big business and big box stores. Unlike Destin or Gulf Shores, traffic is non-existent everywhere you go. Yet, Dauphin Island is a different speed than Destin or Gulf Shores.

Dauphin Island is 14 miles long and its widest point is 1 3/4 miles long. No matter where you step, water is never too far away with multiple public beach access points. Plenty of rental options with an assortment of amenities designed to fit most budgets.

Our crew certainly took full advantage of the water sports. I managed to paddle multiple times but still could not get enough. It was true joy to take my nephews and their Momma paddling for the first time. Everyone paddled like pros and no one fell off the board. My mischievous nephew jumped ship but his Momma was quick enough to pull him back in without falling over.
Water is a great family friendly place to discover and share time fishing or boating. If you wait long enough you may see jellyfish, jumping fish or dolphins. Dolphins came out to greet me on several occasions which always makes brings excitement. Especially if you notice the fin first without seeing that it’s only a dolphin. And yes I hear that music occasionally you know the one, it starts with duunnn dunnn.
Happily all of my fins have been dolphins! Baywatch came over for the day and we paddled all over the west end Gulf side of the Public Beach. Paddle, paddle and more paddling for a couple of hours until we were starving.

The day before we paddled Grill Man and Bama Beau had caught plenty speckle trout for us to cook and eat. My girl and I whipped up dinner while Grill Man battered the fish with a Zatarains fish fry. Bama Beau moved in the kitchen as fry-daddy until the fish were hot and crispy. Dinner turned into a group effort. I highly suggest this as always a good idea to share kitchen duties to make it easier on kitchen Momma and great way to spend time together.

Baywatch and I were happy for the leftovers after our long paddle along with my favorite Zipper Peas . Cold glass of wine paired along well with our meal and much deserved after our long paddle. Sitting by the water staring off into space and chatting with friends is a great way to spend the afternoon.

Natures beauty is all over the island in lots of nooks and crannies. Plenty of things to see and photograph on the island. From the Audubon Bird Sanctuary, Sea Lab, Fort Gaines, Shell Mound Park and many sandy beaches to share with your family. Good idea to step away from crowds, technology and get back to basics.

After family time is over for the day, whip out the blender and mix up a frosty concoction like pina colada or daiquiri. Rum and fruit juice with a cute little umbrella will put you in the mood. Whether you choose to unwind on Dauphin Island or any other quick get away spot, pick a place to Shake It Off, relax and recharge.
Everyone needs the battery recharged. Sadly, in the US we have a tendency to go-go-go to work-work-work. Our friends overseas plug-in downtime more than we do. I for one am ready to change that in my world. How about you? Are you ready to unwind on Dauphin Island?

Loved seeing this! I remembered you telling us the name of your website when you took our picture (skateboarders, I am the one in the middle) and thought your website was very neat! Thanks for the great pictures!
Your welcome Austin. Thanks for letting me take your photos. I have always wanted to skateboard. When I was a teenager my Mom was a scardy-cat and would not allow. I’m game to try now but I think my skateboarding days are past me. I paddled all over your Island though and had a great time. Thankfully I missed seeing any sharks while doing so. Check out my Peep Picayune topics on the site. I post my funny stories there, it’s all the crazy pet drama! Keep reading. I am going to post another story later about things to do on the island. Do you use the skateboard Park on DI?
Looks like a great time was had by all Mimi. Little Italy and I are looking forward to fishing with you and Grill man one day!!
It was super relaxing! I am looking forward to fishing with both of you. Hopefully we can keep Little Italy in the boat!