Why millennials should reconsider heirloom dishes is a debate among young and old alike. Baby boomers want to share their heirloom dishes especially now as downsizing is popular. Millennials are running from heirloom dishes and other family possessions as if a plague is attached.
Where in all this is a balance? How should parents offer the heirloom dishes to ensure acceptance? Is it really necessary that young people take their parents old dishes? And should the next generation accept heirloom dishes into their home and lifestyle?
Why is the dish important at all?
Of course, I enjoy cooking and setting a pretty table whether it’s a dinner party, or for Grill Man and me. Does that mean I set out the fine china daily? No,but I use my antique dishes when it suits me. For numerous reasons, I rarely use paper plates. Just because you can serve food on disposable plates, does not mean you should.
Years ago I purchased a used set of fine hotel china that did not bring a flash of guilt when I loaded the dishwasher. When the mood strikes I pull out my dishwasher ready dishes. Yet, most of the time they sit lonely in the cabinet. Good food simply tastes better on pretty or heirloom dishes.

A chief executive of Table + Teaspoon, Liz Curtis, stated,”If your guests walk in and it looks like you spent time curating the table, it makes them think they are having an elevated experience.” By setting the table a few days ahead of your event, it will allow you plenty of time to create a pretty table without huge stress or expense.

Even the simplest meal is improved by a table that is well set with pretty dishes, silverware, candles or flowers. If your budget does not include flowers look at the greenery in your yard. That will add an element of nature to your table setting.
At the end of a meal many hands make light work. And I truly appreciate all of my friends that have chipped in and helped with the dishes from one event to another.
What are the benefits to saying yes to the dish?
Why millennials should reconsider heirloom dishes before it’s too late
1. Accepting heirloom dishes will make your family happy that you will carry a symbol of their life into your new life. This may not be important in your 20-30’s but one day it will.

2. If you don’t accept the heirloom dishes now, odds are that they will be shipped off to parts unknown whether it’s sold, donated or headed to the dumpster.
3. In the past it was common place to use “heirloom dishes” on special occasions. Every day should be a special occasion. Live your beautiful life now and don’t save it for later.

4. Accepting the dishes does not mean that you have to use them in the same manner as your parents. Using a mix of new and old china patterns or colors together will make a beautiful table that is special to your home and family.
5. A gift of family dishes is truly a gift. This allows you to select items on your bridal registry that you may really need. Young couples starting out require so many things. If you have everything already add art work to your registry.

6.Say yes to the dishes so you can say no to the dozen other things that your parents may want to pack up for you. Dishes serve a functional purpose in addition to aesthetics unlike figurines or knick-knacks.
7. Using family dishes for entertaining will make your table stand out. This will add a unique soulful display to the table. Unlike millennials that have followed the herd and bought into the “new is better”. Break away from the herd.

8. Over time most antique or heirloom dishes will retain their value more than brand new china, dinnerware or stoneware.
9. Trends change rapidly. Who can keep up. Older dishes have a classic appeal and will stand the test of time.
10. Also, accept the dishes and maybe it will encourage you to limit the disposable paper and plastic products. Our environment will be improved by the reduction in our landfills and reduced carbon footprint.
11. One day your loved ones may not be with you but their dishes will. Even if your family dishes are not heirlooms they will bring joy and cherished memories. Inanimate objects like dishes have a history to share with us and will preserve family memories.
12. Use antique dishes and platters as part of your everyday decorations and art. Ballard Designs offers great insight and pictures for 9 Ways to Hang Plates on the Wall.
13. Years from now you may want to give your special memories and dishes to others. What will your offering say?

Although not everyone’s family has heirloom dishes to hand down or enough to go around. Never fear, you may start your own tradition by selecting a pattern from estate sales, yard sales or thrift stores. With Marie Kondo spinning her philosphy of “tidying up” stores are bursting at the seams. Their joyful toss of dishes could be the answer for your table.
In summary, whether cooking or dining on take-out, these are all good reasons Why Millennials Should Reconsider Heirloom dishes. Breaking bread with family or friends is one of life’s joys. Our best intimate conversations are shared over food and wine. Why not break out the heirloom china, porcelain or transfer ware, and show it off?
Lagniappe: If you have heirloom dishes find someone who will appreciate and care for them. They deserve a home where memories will be created.