Chocolate Crisp Banana Pudding

A Luscious layered Banana Pudding with a twist of new flavors added
Lightly Browned Meringue on Chocolate Crisp Banana Pudding
Lightly Browned Meringue on Chocolate Crisp Banana Pudding

I am sure that I am not alone when I say that Banana Pudding is one of my early food memories. Banana Pudding was certainly a dessert standard growing up in the South. No matter how you refer to your Grannie, Grandmother, Nana, Nano, Giggy,  Bubbie, Mimi,  Mee-maw or Maw-Maw, I bet she made a Banana Pudding.

Niagara Falls with Grandmother Photo credit Lois Page
Niagara Falls with Grandmother Photo credit Lois Page

My pistol of a Grandmother that we called Grannie, made a traditional Banana Pudding.  Any time that she gathered her large brood, it was probably included on the menu. Her brood consisted of ten children, which in my estimation is a shockingly large number. Of course, I am a fan of “one and done”.

I’m truly unable to comprehend how you manage that number of children and maintain sanity. My Grannie managed her ten without the modern conveniences that parents have access to today like  Xanax or Valium. I think it is an amazing challenge to love and manage a single child let alone more than one. Raising ten children, boggles my mind.

My Grandparents raised their children on a small income that they clearly managed well. The meals at their house were always delicious no matter how simple the ingredients.  I am sure that Banana Pudding was on the menu due to the low-cost. I am certain that it was a standard in most homes due to the economical ingredients and ease of availability:

Vanilla (AKA Mimi Magic)
wafer or cookie

Clearly, I am not the only fan of Banana Pudding. Tennessee hosts a National Banana Pudding Festival every October to raise money to support local nonprofit organizations. The heart of the festival actually has a “Puddin’ Path” along with competition, Art & Crafts, Music, and more.

National Banana Pudding Festival

I always loved my Grannies version of her dessert. I hope that you enjoy my twist with  chocolate and peanut butter.

It has been a long day. Shout out to Alexa for Billy Idol. I need some pep in my step.

Chocolate Crisp Banana Pudding
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A new twist on a old Southern favorite Dessert Chocolate Crisp layered with Banana's and Vanilla Pudding
Servings Prep Time
6-8 People 60 minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Chocolate Crisps
Vanilla Pudding
Servings: People
Crisp Chocolate Crackers
  1. Layer graham crackers on cookie sheet. Break crackers in half. Set aside. In saucepan, on medium low add peanut butter, coconut oil and heat until blended.
  2. In the saucepan, add the chocolate and blend together well until melted. Remove from heat.
  3. Scoop spoons of hot chocolate and drizzle over crackers. Spread chocolate out evenly. Place in refrigerator while making the pudding.
Vanilla Pudding
  1. Carefully separate the Egg yolks and whites. Set egg whites aside to be used in meringue.
  2. In medium saucepan, on low heat add sugar, flour and stir. Pour 1/2 cup of milk into pan and whisk well.
  3. Add salt to the party
  4. Pour remaining milk into pan and whisk. Turn heat to medium low and keep whisking for 10 minutes. As pudding heats and thickens it will boil and bubble up. Remove from heat.
  5. Pour in eggs while whisking at the same time. Turn heat on medium low and cook for 5 minutes. Whisk well constantly. Add in vanilla and stir well. Remove from heat and set aside.
Layer Dessert
  1. Remove graham crackers from refrigerator. Break crackers in half for placement into dish.
  2. Place graham crackers in bottom of 1 quart dish 4 1/2" x 7 1/2". Use a knife to cut crackers to fill in gaps.
  3. Layer bananas on top of graham crackers
  4. Spread enough vanilla pudding onto bananas to cover bananas as shown.
  5. Layer chocolate crisps on top of pudding. Preheat oven to 350 for meringue to be heated when finished.
  6. Add another even layer of bananas. Spread the balance of the vanilla pudding evenly across the top.
  7. Add another layer of Chocolate covered graham crackers. Use knife to cut if necessary.
  8. Spread meringue (instructions below) on top of dessert.
  9. Bake for 5 minutes to lightly brown meringue
  1. Pour egg whites and sugar into the mixer. Mix until stiff. Add in layered dessert above as needed.
Recipe Notes

Serving: Run knife along side of container gently. With large spatula, divide and cut dish based on serving pieces desired. The first couple of pieces are easier to remove if smaller.

Happy Dish of Chocolate Crisps Banana Pudding
Chocolate Crisps Banana Pudding







Author: Mimi

I have a love affair with food, entertaining, travel and music. is a vehicle for me to share my journey of food, travel and music. Traveling allows exposure to all types of foods and flavors. I have learned to cook by being hungry, curious and willing to fail. Food is another form of art and creative expression. Join me on my journey. Copyright 2016-2019 by Mimi

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