Foodie Appetizer Sweet yet Savory recipe grabs my foodie palate. Of course, I love foods that include sweet and savory combination in the same dish. Surely I am not the only person on the planet who loves this combination. If you are not familiar with this combination, please be adventurous and take a new path with food. Try new flavor combinations, you may enjoy as much as I do. Continue reading “Foodie Appetizer Sweet yet Savory”
Ingredient: olive oil
Crock Pot Easy Spaghetti Sauce
Crock Pot Easy Spaghetti Sauce recipe is a perfect gift for working Moms and Dads. As a busy wife and mother, a crock pot is a mandatory cooking device for the home. I have always had a crock pot ever since I acquired “the starter husband”. Mind you, the crock pot lasted longer than the starter husband. Continue reading “Crock Pot Easy Spaghetti Sauce”
Flavorful Italian Green Beans
For your entertaining this season, Flavorful Italian Green Beans recipe will compliment any meal. Fresh flavors surrounded by garlic, onions, bell pepper and seasonings present a tempting dish. The red and green colors in this recipe make it a lovely side dish to serve at any table. Continue reading “Flavorful Italian Green Beans”
Muffins, Meatloaves and New Chef
Muffins, meatloaves and new chef, AKA my girl are a welcome sight in my kitchen. I enjoyed watching my daughter whip up dinner for Grill Man and I to share. As much as I love to cook, I so adore enjoying other people’s “labor of love meals”. If you enjoy cooking, I don’t need to explain what hard work goes into planning, shopping, executing a meal. Let alone the clean up after the meal. Continue reading “Muffins, Meatloaves and New Chef”
Manchego Frittata Mimi Style
Waste Not Want Not
Left overs-2 cups Mashed Potatoes
Manchego Frittata Mimi Style recipe is a salute to one of my favorite countries, Spain. Far too long ago, I was able to travel to Madrid and Barcelona Spain. I fell in love with Spain and everything that it had to offer. Bold colors, flamingo dancing, spicy food and passionate people who welcome you to their country. Continue reading “Manchego Frittata Mimi Style”
Culinary Bag Fish-n-Veggies
Culinary Bag Fish-n-Veggies describes the components of this dish. Culinary Parchment Cooking Bags from Paper Chef give a perfect vehicle to enclose your freshest fish and assorted vegetables. This bag will envelope, steam and keep all the flavors locked in until you deliver the magic to your plate. Bags allow for easy cleanup along with the fresh flavors that it delivers. Continue reading “Culinary Bag Fish-n-Veggies”
Southern Turnip Greens
Southern Turnip Greens is a dish that I love to serve. Fresh turnip greens cooked with turnip roots is a delicious addition to any meal. Southern turnip greens and roots tastes fresh with a unique flavor that lightly touches the sweet, savory and bitter on your palate. My love for them has evolved over time. Continue reading “Southern Turnip Greens”
Shrimp Recipe and Rich Sauce

Fresh Gulf shrimp make amazing shrimp recipes. Shrimp is a great start to a delicious appetizer recipe or meal. I am fortunate to live near the Gulf Coast and fresh seafood is a special treat. The shrimp, crabs, craw-fish, oysters and the wide range of fish is a bonus when cooking and developing recipes. Continue reading “Shrimp Recipe and Rich Sauce”
A Vegetable Medley of Fresh Flavor
A medley of fresh vegetables cooked until melt in your mouth tender is a great dish to have on hand. I love cooking this dish. I am sure I am not alone when I say that I attach food memories to dishes. This dish always makes me think fondly of my Grandmother and the first time that it was made for her. Continue reading “A Vegetable Medley of Fresh Flavor”
Braised Beef Roast Served on a Bed of Egg Noodles with Smoky Gravy
Last week, my husband inadvertently shared his “virus” with me. I say inadvertently because I know that he didn’t do it on purpose. Although, it would stand to reason if you have been sick, maybe you should NOT kiss your wife. In my husband’s defense, he thought he was on the mend.
Continue reading “Braised Beef Roast Served on a Bed of Egg Noodles with Smoky Gravy”