Like most of us, I enjoy a creamy crunchy coleslaw. Although a main ingredient mayonnaise is not part of my new weight reduction plan. It is hard to think of picnics, BBQ, fried chicken or seafood without coleslaw. I wanted to create a fresh side dish recipe without mayonnaise. Vinegar , sugar and spice would have to replace the mayonnaise in my fresh side dish. Prepare my recipe for Unprocessed Candied Japapeno Coleslaw that even my Dad loved.
Continue reading “Unprocessed Candied Jalapeno Coleslaw”Ingredient: Red Bell Pepper
With family visiting Fairhope, breakfast time on Sunday morning moves slow if you’re enjoying coffee at a leisurely pace. Unless you want to run out in search of fast food, breakfast is needed. One Fairhope Foodies Prosciutto Chipotle Cheddar Quiche recipe is an easy fix.
For your entertaining this season, Flavorful Italian Green Beans recipe will compliment any meal. Fresh flavors surrounded by garlic, onions, bell pepper and seasonings present a tempting dish. The red and green colors in this recipe make it a lovely side dish to serve at any table. Continue reading “Flavorful Italian Green Beans”
Muffins, Meatloaves and New Chef
Muffins, meatloaves and new chef, AKA my girl are a welcome sight in my kitchen. I enjoyed watching my daughter whip up dinner for Grill Man and I to share. As much as I love to cook, I so adore enjoying other people’s “labor of love meals”. If you enjoy cooking, I don’t need to explain what hard work goes into planning, shopping, executing a meal. Let alone the clean up after the meal. Continue reading “Muffins, Meatloaves and New Chef”
Spicy Squash Pudding Recipe
Spicy Squash Pudding Recipe is delicious. This recipe is one that you will want to use now and later. At this time of year when yellow squash is plentiful in my yard, I have my version of a food challenge. How many ways can you make squash before you tire of it? So far, so good. Continue reading “Spicy Squash Pudding Recipe”
Shrimp Recipe and Rich Sauce

Fresh Gulf shrimp make amazing shrimp recipes. Shrimp is a great start to a delicious appetizer recipe or meal. I am fortunate to live near the Gulf Coast and fresh seafood is a special treat. The shrimp, crabs, craw-fish, oysters and the wide range of fish is a bonus when cooking and developing recipes. Continue reading “Shrimp Recipe and Rich Sauce”
Easy Breakfast Casserole

Waste Not Want Not Series:
Leftover Potato and Sausage from Seafood Boil
My Grandmother Theda Faye taught the Thrifty Class 101 long before it was cool. Granny drug me to garage sales and estate sales at an early age. As a teenager, I didn’t understand why anyone would want to buy a “used or old item”. Continue reading “Easy Breakfast Casserole”