More Farm to Table and less convenience Addiction?

My cooking choices are often inspired by the items in the market. I prefer to cook items fresh and in season. I try to buy local when available and hope to encourage others to do so as well. This supports sustainability of our local communities.

I love, farm to table. It is amusing when you think that, farm to table is a social movement, now. How far away from common sense have we gone? The answer is, scary far. The secret is out folks, food grows on farms. What?

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Learn to Make Shrimp, Sausage and Okra Gumbo like you were “born there”

When people think of foods that represent Louisiana, gumbo is always at the top of the list. Learn to Make Shrimp, Sausage and Okra Gumbo like you were “born there”. As a signature dish, gumbo certainly represents the melting pot that New Orleans became famous for. The different countries that owned the territory of Orleans that eventually became Louisiana, all left their stamp in the architecture and cuisine.

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Chief, Cook and Laundry-washer

Waste Not Want Not Series
Leftover Item: Ham Bone

Saturday is a great day to cram in, all sorts of fun activities and the “dreaded chores”. My Saturday started out well with a great cup of Costa Rican dark roast coffee with a splash of creme. I have tried to stop adding sugar to my coffee. At this point, I still want sugar. I hope that it passes soon.

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Easiest Meal Ever with Roast, Potatoes and Carrots

Busy Mimi
Busy Mimi


As a busy wife, Mom, Mimi and friend, life  gets hectic at our house at times. It is important to “manage the madness” before it manages you. If not managed, it will leave you with a pile of fires.  Fire management, was part of UHK’s curriculum. I graduated from UHK with honors.


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Jewels of the Sea Soup

Waste Not Want Not Series
Leftover item 1 cup Cooked Flounder (or substitute crab)

My friend gave us the flounder  and was very sweet to share her bounty. One of her friends had “gigged” a mess of flounder and passed them on.   I had never cooked a flounder. Continue reading “Jewels of the Sea Soup”

Hot and Easy Game Day Dip

During this time of year, it is hard to navigate the plethora of activities to choose from on any given day. On the Gulf Coast, we are trying to hold on to the last shreds of Summer, before the cool breezes settle in. We have started moving out doors, earlier in the evenings to enjoy the end of the day haze. The afternoon that calls for a cocktail or two with friends. The porches have started  to be decked out with Mums, pumpkins and assorted Fall trimmings. Continue reading “Hot and Easy Game Day Dip”

Flounder Dressed with Eggplant, Shrimp and Sausage


Child of "the city"
Child of “the city”

As a child growing up in New Orleans, we were surrounded by fabulous cooks. In our network of family and friends alone, great cooks were all around. Not that we were going to 5 course meals on a daily basis, but the flavors of fresh food were abundant. Simple home cooked meals made with fresh seafood, farm  or market vegetables and a ample supply of protein options.

Continue reading “Flounder Dressed with Eggplant, Shrimp and Sausage”