With family visiting Fairhope, breakfast time on Sunday morning moves slow if you’re enjoying coffee at a leisurely pace. Unless you want to run out in search of fast food, breakfast is needed. One Fairhope Foodies Prosciutto Chipotle Cheddar Quiche recipe is an easy fix.
Continue reading “ONE FAIRHOPE FOODIES PROSCIUTTO CHIPOTLE CHEDDAR QUICHE”Mimi’s Tips to Navigate 30aSongwriters Festival 2020
Yes you blew it if you missed 30aSongwriters Festival in January. Fear not you will have another opportunity and months to plan. Mimi’s Tips to Navigate 30a Songwriters Festival 2020 will help lead the way.
Continue reading “Mimi’s Tips to Navigate 30aSongwriters Festival 2020”Foodie Mecca and Mimi’s Travels
First of all road trips are one of my favorite outings. Anyone with a vehicle and a sense of adventure may create a road trip to destinations unknown. Yet, discovery is one of the best features of any trip. Although it helps to have suggestions to make sure part of your adventure is not a total shot in the dark. Foodie mecca and Mimi’s travels led us to North Palm Beach to visit friends and our new travel guides. Continue reading “Foodie Mecca and Mimi’s Travels”
Southern Recipes-Dining With Mimi
Are you still looking for a recipe plan for your family dinner? Then look no further than Southern Recipes-Dining With Mimi. Southern recipes on my list are clearly some of my favorite dishes to serve my family and friends. Recipes that tend to remind you of a certain time and space with longing. Continue reading “Southern Recipes-Dining With Mimi”
Mimi’s Take on Fairhope Film Festival
Clearly I adore our quaint little town and all that surrounds it. What’s not to love? Small, fairly quiet, located near the water, filled with lovely people, cool spots and everything needed within your grasp. The icing on the cake is the strong arts community and all its varied branches. One branch that deserves a look, Mimi’s Take on Fairhope Film Festival. Continue reading “Mimi’s Take on Fairhope Film Festival”
My Fearless Sous Chef In Training
I love cooking and creating tasty treats to share with my loved ones. Although everyone knows that standing in a hot kitchen for hours is hard work. And that is before you start talking about cleaning up the mess. However, I love cooking with my fearless sous chef in training. Every chef needs a sous chef and I am happy when I have one even though it’s for a short time. Continue reading “My Fearless Sous Chef In Training”
Unwind on Dauphin Island
Grill man and I decided to sneak away. Too busy at work for a full on vacation so we compromised and chose a close spot. Off to unwind on Dauphin Island? What? Why? Dauphin Island would allow a working vacation since we were too busy to go too far away. Good place to sneak away to relax and avoid summertime crowds.
Mimi’s Celebrate Summer Menu Before It Disappears
In a panic, I realized that the time had come. What? The first early warning sign is children returning to school. Where did the time go? Is Summer nearly over? Truly it was time for Mimi’s Celebrate Summer Menu Before It Disappears. Continue reading “Mimi’s Celebrate Summer Menu Before It Disappears”
Seasoned Ahi Tuna Steaks Sear Then Flip Recipe
Seasoned Ahi Tuna Steaks Sear Then Flip Recipe, really is that easy. Ahi tuna delivers on taste and if cooked this way delivers a fast meal. Head to your local fish market and buy fresh tuna if this is an option. Large grocery chains sell Ahi tuna steaks flash frozen, individually wrapped and is the next best thing if your grill man doesn’t fish. Continue reading “Seasoned Ahi Tuna Steaks Sear Then Flip Recipe”
Yes, Snake Bitten in Fairhope
Believe it or not things like this only happen to me. Or at least it seems that way. How many times have you heard someone say “Yes, Snake Bitten in Fairhope”? For that matter I only know of one person that has ever been snake bit. Continue reading “Yes, Snake Bitten in Fairhope”