Days, weeks and months have blown by without written words. Truly, time as a precious commodity stands still for no one. And repeatedly, I have prepared myself to return to the written word but my hard-headed physical body had not complied. It took the inspiration from many women and little time to ignite the spark , again.
Continue reading “Many women and little time”Category: Other than dining
Subscribe to Dining With Mimi
Yes, subscribe to Dining With Mimi to join my journey of food, travel and music. As Grill Man and I travel around navigating work and life consider us as your official testers. As we discover delicious food, music or find cool places to visit, I will report back.
Continue reading “Subscribe to Dining With Mimi”New Orleans Mardi Gras Tree, Mrs Watson and recipes
I almost never need a reason to go to New Orleans. If the soul of the city does not pull you in, surely the food will tempt. Visit New Orleans Mardi Gras Tree, Mrs Watson and cook recipes for your parade party.
Continue reading “New Orleans Mardi Gras Tree, Mrs Watson and recipes”Mimi’s Sage Advice
As I move into the next phase of Mimi-ness I am trying to be mindful of valuable advice that has been shared with me. Advice so good that I want to call it Mimi’s Sage Advice. Advice is often thrust at us from a host of different directions. Sources come in different shapes, sizes, colors and amalgam to be sure. Continue reading “Mimi’s Sage Advice”
Flipping Flu Comes Calling
Our house has been hit with a new bug, Flipping Flu Comes Calling. Be very careful this time of year, you want to avoid it at all costs. Sadly, “flipping flu comes calling” arrived on our doorsteps despite my attempt to block the door. Like the house guest that becomes a permanent fixture, I thought that it would never leave. Truly I was concerned that one of us or both of us would not make it. Continue reading “Flipping Flu Comes Calling”
Recipe box treasures
Recipe box treasures are priceless. In my favorite old box crammed with tasty treats and delicate morsels, I find tiny treasures. Treasures that make me smile and long to cook. Little scraps of paper that are in various stages new cards printed to handwritten recipes filled in by friends and family. Continue reading “Recipe box treasures”
24 Hours Coastal Mississippi
24 hours Coastal Mississippi? What could you possibly carry out in only 24 hours in coastal Mississippi? As a busy woman trying to squeeze every second out of every day, the answer is a lot. I know because I recently put it to the test. Continue reading “24 Hours Coastal Mississippi”
Instill appreciation
Instill appreciation for freedom to choose and honor of those who paved the way. This statement has much meaning to me for many reasons. Freedom is not free. It is available to us because of the sacrifices that have been generously paid by others.
Most families have Service Men and Woman that are serving in our military or have served in the past. Military families carry a heavy load. The ravages of war are brutal. The losses suffered are damaging and permanent. Certainly this is hard to comprehend in living color unless you have served or witnessed the first hand effects of military life.

Due to the absence alone of a parent, it would leave a vacancy for the family. The absence is temporary but the day’s loss to the loved one is real. Life happens every day, with the clock ticking day by day, those minutes are lost forever. God forbid, that a death occur and create a permanent loss of life. How many ways would this impact one family?
Instill appreciation for Military’s Service
On Memorial Day, we raise the memory of our military service members that have died in service. Especially relevant, Memorial Day is for remembrance of those losses and confirmation of the continuing struggle to fight for liberty and justice for all. It is time to honor and show appreciation to those who paved the way. Where would we be without them?

What would the United States look like without freedom? Imagining the answer to this question is not something that I want to consider. Because I traveled overseas, the exposure gave me a unique perspective on foreign countries. I loved every trip, people who I met, cities and countries that I visited, but there is no place like home.
What would the United States look like without freedom? That is a horror movie, I do not want to watch.
Wine Walks
Wine walks are a perfect way to enjoy the Spring days while you may. I have certainly enjoyed the weather on the Gulf Coast this month. I know that Summer is coming and we will be longing for the crisp evenings. The evenings that make you want to linger outside and enjoy the light breeze as it blows through. Continue reading “Wine Walks”
Water’s edge- Weeks Bay Music
Water’s edge on Weeks Bay and life on the coast is sweet. Living close to water allows easy access to all versions of water activities. Of course access to water for viewing,boating, diving, fishing, sailing, surfing and paddle boarding is priceless. What more could a southern girl want? Continue reading “Water’s edge- Weeks Bay Music”